The Mission of Aowin Municipal Assembly is to spearhead improvement in the standard of living of the people through an efficient and effective delivery of services and outputs. This mission is to be fulfilled in an atmosphere of peace, tranquility, transparency and accountability.


To create a peaceful, prosperous and democratic society with quality social services and facilities based on modernized and diversified Agricultural, Eco-tourism development and sustainable exploitation and management of natural resources such as gold and timber.

Hon. Samuel Adu Gyamfi
Municipal Chief Executive
Mr. Joseph Baba Ayelya
Municipal Coordinating Director
Felix Asiedu
Municipal Works Engineer
Nana Emmanuel Agyemang
Municipal Social Welfare Community Dev. Officer
Hope Ato
B.A.C Head
Joseph Otoo
Municipal Agric Director

The Aowin Municipal Assembly was established in 1988 as the then Aowin-Suaman District Assembly by Local Government Legislative Instrument (L.I) 1392 under the then PNDC Law 207 which was replaced by the Local Government Act of 1993 (Act 462) with Enchi as the District Capital. In 2012, the then Aowin-Suaman District was split into two and the District became known as Aowin District Assembly by Local Government (Aowin District Assembly) (Establishment Instrument) L. I. 2169 under the Local Government Law which was later amended in 2016 as Act 936. The Assembly was elevated to a Municipal Status in 2017 by Local Government (Aowin Municipal Assembly) (Establishment Instrument) L. I. 2287 under the Local Government Law of 2016 (Act 936)...

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